...Anticipation for Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight...
I just re-watched Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained. It's been three years since Tarantino released a movie. I needed a break from revising stories, and decided to delve into his last work. Film aficionados anticipate Tarantino's upcoming The Hateful Eight...
The Hateful Eight counts as Quentin Tarantino's eighth film. IMDB describes The Hateful Eight as an "In post-Civil War Wyoming, bounty hunters try to find shelter during a blizzard but get involved in a plot of betrayal and deception. Will they survive?"
According to Knoxville-native Tarantino, "It's less inspired by one western movie than by Bonanza, The Virginian, The High Chaparral." Filmed in Telluride, CO, the stellar cast includes Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Walton Goggins, Bruce Dern, Michael Madsen, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Channing Tatum, Zoe Bell, Dana Gourrier, Tim Roth and others.
A U.S. release date looks like Christmas. However, January 2016 the American western film, written by Tarantino, will show in theaters everywhere. Shot in 70mm film, The Hateful Eight deserves anticipation. Ennio Morricone composed the background score. Morricone also provided music on other Tarantino films such as Kill Bill, Death Proof, Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained.
In a recent interview, Samuel L. Jackson expressed looking forward to seeing The Hateful Eight: "All of us are so anxious to see this movie because, every day, the work was incredible. It was taxing, in a very interesting way, because we were in the snow, at first, and then we get inside this room. Quentin shot on a refrigerated set, and it was 30 degrees, every day, in there. We were miserable in the environment. You could see our breath, but the stuff that we were doing was amazing. We would finish doing a scene and look at each other and just grin like, "This is incredible." And we may be blowing smoke up our own asses, but I hope it’s as good as we felt like it was when we were doing it."
So do I...
James Calemine
Official The Hateful Eight Site
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