Of all the wrestlers I have seen step into the squared circle, none was more exciting than the “man in black,” the Texas giant known as Blackjack Mulligan.
Blackjack was born Robert Deroy Windham on November 26, 1942. He played football at the Texas Western University before going pro with the New York Jets during the 1966 pre-season and made tryouts with the New Orleans Saints and Denver Broncos in the '60s.
Wahoo McDaniel talked him into going into wrestling, and he trained with Joe Blanchard in Corpus Christi, Texas and later with Verne Gagne. He first joined The American Wrestling Association before moving to the World Wide Wrestling Federation and becoming the villain Blackjack Mulligan, dressing in black trunks, a black cowboy hat, and a black glove.
After making great strides in the Midwest as a tag team called The Blackjacks, with partner Jack Lanza, Mulligan returned to singles wrestling during the mid-seventies with Jim Crockett Promotions where he would win the NWA United States Heavyweight Championship belt and the Mid-Atlantic World Tag Team Championship with a partner Nature Boy Ric Flair.
I was lucky enough to see Mulligan many times at Greenville Memorial and Spartanburg Memorial Auditoriums during the seventies. I saw a couple of his famous battles with the legendary André the Giant, and countless matches as a tag team with Ric Flair and then later wrestling against the Nature Boy.
One of the most memorable feuds was Mulligan vs. Ernie Ladd, whose “Blackjack Mulligan! You crossed the red river and you are in my country now!” speech still rings in my ears. It was a clash of the titans. Two big ol’ boys for sure.
In 1986, Mulligan wrestled masked as "Big Machine," part of a team with "The Giant Machine" (André the Giant) and "Super Machine" (Bill Eadie) collectively known as The Machines.
After a long and exciting career, Mulligan and his Blackjacks partner, Jack Lanza were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame on April 1, 2006 by their manager, Bobby Heenan. He has written a book on his life story that is available several places online, with a signed copy available from his website.
Blackjack is the father of wrestlers Barry and Kendall Windham, who carry on the family tradition.
To me, Mulligan will always remain one of the true greets of wrestling.
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tennesseewaltz says...
Blackjack was always my favorite wressler
Yea man, I'll never forget Mulligan walking out with Flair's rope on lol. Take's me back as well Copperhead
copperhead says...
Noow your talking. I remember when he ripped up Ric Flair's robe. He had a good feud with Stan hanson. Take me back.
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