by Penne J. Laubenthal
When I read my first Pat Conroy book, it was love at first paragraph. I have just finished reading the prologue to South of Broad and I fell in love all over again. Now I am not an
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PenneElk says...
YEA!!! Go for it. If you start this weekend reviewing the books, you will be loaded for bear by the time the contest starts on Wednesday the 9th. We will have a number of winners as the contest runs for four weeks, and there is a new essay topic each week. Thanks for your participation and enthusiasm-- and GOOD LUCK!!! :-)
OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! I am SO in on this contest. I loved the way you wrote this article and explained everything. I look forward to participating and reading reading reading! I had no idea that there were other people out there just like me!! I have unread books all over the place as well, started but then dropped. I LOVED the Great Santini and The Prince of Tides. You are making me want to read them again! I think I will!
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