We started off the day downstairs on the banquet room for breakfast, hanging out with friends and enjoying conversation. Then at 3 PM it was once again time for me the hit the stage of the Lobby Bar. Unfortunately, Tommy Crain was still out on the golf course with all other golfers, so I would have to go back to my solo set. I pulled out several songs I had not played in many moons, and closed with “Will The Circle Be Unbroken,” inviting Victoria K. and Aaron Kelly to sing along with me. Fun.
Sixteen year old Victoria K. would perform next, with lots of energy and a clear, great voice, singing to a pre-recorded soundtrack.
Everyone started gathering in the banquet room at five o’clock for the dinner and entertainment program. Scott and I sat with Tom and Ann Bell and Ellery and Madeline Taft, two couples who are here every year. Good people.
When Charlie and Hazel Daniels entered the room, all eyes were on Charlie. It’s amazing how much he is loved. Very cool.
I sat and watched as long time Charlie Daniels employee Sid Yoakim arrived, along with his kids Sydney and Tucker.
Charlie Daniels introduced a slide show set to the song “Angels Among Us,” showing scenes from The Angelus. The show ended with a slide of Hughie Thomasson, “In Memory,” which caught Daniels off guard, bringing up some emotion for his old friend from The Outlaws.
The dinner was good and the entertainment excellent. Fourteen year old Aaron Kelly did a set, followed by the sponsor award presentation and a set by the hillbilly band The Sweeney Family, who had the audience rocking to “Mountain Dew” and the theme from “Petticoat Junction,” where they were joined by Charlie Daniels himself as they moved into a rousing rendition of “Rolling in My Sweet Baby’s Arms.”
Following a live auction, Tommy Crain and The Crosstown Allstars took the stage to jam with Charlie on “Further On Up The Road,” “One Way Out” "Can't You See," and “Trudy.” I was down front shooting photos when Charlie signaled for me to come onstage where I joined “Nancy” cartoonist Guy Gilchrist to sing along on “The South’s Gonna Do It Again.” I remained onstage to sing on “The Devil Went Down To Georgia,” which was just too much fun.
The joint continued to jump with Cody McCarver and Confederate Railroad, and a smoking set from T. Graham Brown, followed by an all out jam with members of The Ghost Riders and friends.
It had been another great day at the Angelus benefit, but it was time for some serious rest. Tomorrow it would all crank up again.
Keep it Real. Keep it Southern.
(Pictures by Buffalo)
Buff and Jimmy Dormire of Confederate Railroad. (Scott Greene Photo)
Old friends jammin.'
Big Mike from Trunk Band and his wife Jean.
Buffalo gets a little help from Aaron Kelly and Victoria K.
Charlie and Tommy rock.
Dennis from US Legends Guitars with his sponsor thank you gift, a golden fiddle!
The Sweeney Family.
Tommy Crain spots me!
Buffalo and T. Graham Brown.
Tucker and Sydney Yoakim.
Aaron Kelly.
Victoria K.
Tommy Crain and Sid Yoakim.
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