In our continuing salute to legendary record producer Jerry Wexler, we are happy to present a three part interview from YouTube, where Wexler talks about Swampland's Mystery & Manners honorary Southern Artist Bob Dylan
and his excellent Slow Train Coming LP, which they recorded in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. It's a great video. Check it out.
Also, be sure to check GRITZ and SWAMPLAND.COM every day. We have a lot of cool stuff lined up, including photos and memories of Mr. Wexler from one of his personal friends, Dick Cooper.
Keep it Real. Keep it Southern.
Also check out this great article from the Muscle Shoals paper.
Rest in Peace, Jerry. Talk about a major influence on countless lives...
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tennesseewaltz says...
Thank you Michael. I would have never known these were on line without you. We miss you Jerry.
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