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Welcome Back To GRITZ

Posted: May 18, 2007

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...

I must begin by apologizing for the recent “down time” Swampland.com experienced, but it was a necessary thing. The site has now been updated and the powers that be tell us it is going to be much more user friendly, and you’ve got to admit, it is pretty exciting. Please tell all of your friends to visit and bookmark us - we have big plans. Look for all the features you loved from GRITZ in the past, along with many new, fresh ideas. Stay tuned.

Also, you can now get your GRITZ two ways, by coming through the front door at swampland.com, or by coming in the side door at www.gritz.net. Either way, you are always welcome. Always.

Among the big changes you may notice, we now have a powerful site search engine. You can search for all data base articles on a certain artist, state, town (like Macon for instance) of type in GRITZ to get all archived GRITZ material. Be sure to click on the "related tags" on each article for even more. For more on the new features at Swampland, click here.

We are still busy tweeking the site, so bear with us. More updates will follow, but for now, try surfing the Swampland.com search engine.

Also, please check out three new CD reviews here at GRITZ, including Mark Emerick, Lee Bogan and The Marshall Tucker Band. Be sure and check back daily, as we will be posting many more reviews and “catching up” over the next few weeks. Also look for some exciting new interviews, and be sure to check out the interviews and music in the Mystery and Manners section of Swampland.

More soon. Keep it Real. Keep it Southern.

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