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Tritium Detected In Water At Hatch Nuclear Plant In Georgia

Posted: Oct 09, 2011

Tritium Detected At Hatch Nuclear Plant

This story makes Janisse Ray's book Drifting Into Darien even more profound. On Wednesday, October 5, The Baxley News-Banner reported this about the local drinking water:

 "According to a report the high level of tritium detected at Plant Hatch, 5.34 million picocuries per liter, is far above the EPA's drinking water standard of 20,000 picocuries per liter. The source of the leaking tritium, an issue which has plagued many other plants, must be determined. Tritium acts as radioactive water and it can't be removed, thus the source(s) of the leak needed to be determined and stopped."

An eerie report, indeed. Janisse Ray grew up near the Hatch Nuclear Plant in Baxley, Georgia, and her writing always warned of nuclear dangers in the ecosystem. This story verifies, once again, of Ray's compelling argument against nuclear plants. To me, this is real news...

James Calemine


Janisse Ray: Ecology of a Cracker Childhood

Janisse Ray: Drifting Into Darien

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