Merle Haggard Hits The Road
In December Merle Haggard will receive a Kennedy Center honor. This recent NPR interview reveals Haggard remains true to himself and continues to record vital music after all these years. Haggard earned 38 #1 hits in his career, and he belongs in the company of America's seminal songwriters.
In this interview Haggard revealed to Terry Gross about his “97 percent” autobiographical songs: “Some things we fudged on slightly to make it rhyme, but the majority of it’s pretty accurate, I guess. I was probably the most incorrigible child you could ever meet. I was already on the way to prison before I realized it, actually. I was really kind of a screw up…”
Haggard earned his legendary status in American music. It's no wonder that artists such as Bob Dylan, the Grateful Dead,
Keith Richards
and Gram Parsons
were such Haggard fans. His words, music and insight prove invaluable to any hardworking underdog. The Hag hits the road next week for southern dates. He’ll be in Athens, Georgia, on September 23. Check dates near you…
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