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Molly Hatchet: Remembering Danny Joe Brown

Posted: Jun 03, 2010

Continuing with our month long tribute to Molly Hatchet, we revisit an interview I had the pleasure of conducting back in November of 1999 with Hatchet's original lead singer Danny Joe Brown.

I really enjoyed our talk, although it was obvious Danny Joe was very weak from all of his medical problems. Sadly, we would lose him on March 10. 2005, a terrible year for Southern Rock passings.

During the interview, Danny Joe laughed and joked around. We had a great time. He told me about his friend the late Ronnie Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd, and his ability to hold his own in a fight.


He was a helluva fighter. Not just a fighter, but a helluva fighter. That boy could whip some ass. (laughs) I drank a couple of tall-boys and got into a fight. My best friend actually fought him. I picked up Gary Rossington and put him up on the stage so he didn’t get into it. But Pee Wee, my friend got into a fight with Ronnie and they duked it out on the dance floor. It was at a church dance, believe it or not. (laughs) St. Andrew’s church dance in Jacksonville.


Read my archived interview with Danny Joe here. And read my review of the brand new Molly Hatchet album Justice here. Look for a brand new Molly Hatchet interview coming next week!

Keep it Real. Keep it Southern.


See also Legends of Southern Rock, Molly Hatchet

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coconut1955 says...

Danny Joe was the man. I miss him.

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