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Rich Robinson, Luther Dickinson, and Patti Smith

Posted: Jan 21, 2007


On Friday, January 19, Circle Sound performed at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City. Circle Sound comprises Rich Robinson (Black Crowes), Luther Dickinson (North Mississippi All Stars), Sven Pippien (Black Crowes), Bill Dobrow (Hookah Brown), and Rob Clores (Black Crowes). Patti Smith made a guest appearence on "Horses". Santa "Mudshoes" Fazio played harmonica on several numbers.

Circle Sound performed a stellar set, covering songs by Neil Young, Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, the Band, Ry Cooder, Howlin' Wolf, Funkadelic, Eric Clapton, two North Mississippi All Stars songs, one Black Crowes instrumental, and several Rich Robinson solo compositions all with a gritty, lowdown, southern tone.  Circle Sound proves to be another great side-band we'll all have to keep our eyes on....James Calemine

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