North Mississippi Allstars, Robert Randolph, John Medeski Reunite for The Word
In 2001, The North Mississippi Allstars, John Medeski and Robert Randolph formed a super-group called The Word. They released a self-titled funk, blues, gospel CD in July of 2001. They toured behind the album. Until meeting Dickinson and Medeski, Randolph only played his pedal steel in the church. Since then, Randolph has played music with Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, Buddy Guy, Carlos Santana as well as recording Saturday Night NFL and NBA Live theme songs a few years ago.
Randolph recorded his latest CD with T-Bone Burnett that will be out next year. It has been announced Randolph and The Word will re-unite for a string of dates after Luther gets back from the road with The Black Crowes. The Word will play New Year’s Eve at Terminal 5 in New York City. The Word will also play on Jam Cruise 8 in early 2010. Do what you can to hear The Word…
James Calemine
elvabastian says...
Ho,,ho,, Unique n cool reunite
radiant says...
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The term replica Tag Heuer glass refers to the transparent covering over the face of movado for sale. There are a number of different Alain Silberstein watches that are used to make Baume & Mercier watches glasses. They are generally made of one of three common materials depending on U-boat for sale, uses and quality of each particular Hermes watches. replica Graham has it's own advantages and Alain Silberstein replica, so it is worth understanding the differences. Sometimes the glass is referred to as the Montblanc replica, this is not to be confused with the quartz crystal inside of a lot of Cartier replica which regulates the timekeeping. Graham replica The cheapest glass is actually a plastic. Acrylic plastic is replica Piaget , Panerai replica and movado replica. It is not likely to shatter as it is very light. The DeWitt watches is that it may scratch easily. The scratches can be removed, it is advisable to consult?a jeweller about the best way to proceed.?Childrens' Hermes replica often have an acrylic glass as they are unlikely to be able to break it even if they are not as careful as they could be!? Mineral Glass The most common form of Breitling for sale is mineral glass. This is made by using heat or replica Ferrari to treat ordinary glass in order to make it more scratch resistant. If the glass does become too scratched it will need to be replaced.? Unfortunately this also has the affect of making the glass more likely to shatter. Occasionally when a replica Franck Muller glass shatters small shards of Graham for sale can lodge themselves into the workings. If this happens then the cost of IWC replica is likely to exceed the value of the replica croum . Most Blancpain replica, however, do not end their life in this way; so there is no need to be unduly worried. But it is worth being careful if your Concord replica glass does shatter in order to prevent this from happening. Sapphire Crystal The most desirable Louis Vuitton replica glasses are made out of either synthetic or genuine sapphire. Commonly synthetic sapphire is used. This is made out of Bell & Ross watches aluminum oxide, it has the same physical properties as the natural gem frequently used in jewellery but without the colouring. It is the most expensive way to create a replica Jaquet droz glass but the advantage is that the glass is incredibly durable. Sapphire rates 9 on the Moh scale, (that is the scale that measures the relative hardness of replica DeWitt ) and is just behind diamond which measures 10. Of all the glasses it is the least likely to shatter or be scratched. If anything you should be more concerned that your Breguet watches may scratch another surface! Sapphire crystal is one of the features that pushes up the price of Audemars Piguet for sale. This is due to the value of sapphire and partly because expensive tools that use diamonds to cut and shape the sapphire have to be used to make them. Premier brands such as Seiko and replica A.Lange & Sohne often use sapphire glass for their replica replica oris .
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