During the mid-seventies, a band formed in Muscle Shoals, Alabama that had a really great Southern Rock sound, but like so many other groups of the era, they never received the national attention they so richly deserved. The band was called Jackson Highway.
The band was named by Muscle Shoals producer Jimmy Johnson after the legendary address of the Muscle Shoals Sound Recording
Studio in Sheffield, Alabama - 3614 Jackson Highway.
Like the Allmans, the Tuckers,
and the Winters Brothers
, Jackson Highway was formed by brothers, Dennis and Russell Gulley, along Tommy Patterson. Thwe Gulley boys came from a Southern Gospel background, which really added to their unique sound.
It wasn’t long before the trio was joined by guitarist Britt Meacham and drummer, Ronnie Vance.
They released their first LP on the Muscle Shoals Sound label in 1977, simply titled, Jackson Highway.
When the album hit the band was off and running, playing a constant line of gigs throughout the South. In 1980, they released a second LP, produced by the same MSS team of Jimmy Johnson and David Hood. This time the LP was on the MSS/Capitol label. To support the record, the band toured with bands like Ted Nugent, UFO, and Blackfoot.
In 1986, after some thirteen years together, the band officially disbanded. Since then, the various members have remained in touch, even performing with each other on occasion, and each continues to maintain a musical career.
Dennis, lives in Nashville, manages a recording studio with partner, Johnny Neel, formerly of The Allman Brothers and Gov't Mule, and performs at Nashville clubs. He has also toured with Alabama.
Tommy Patterson is still in Muscle Shoals, works at the recording studios in sessions, gigs locally as well as on the road, with such stars as the legendary, Little Richard.
Britt Meacham, lives in Mobile and tours/records regularly with Malaco/Waldoxy Records group, The Beat Daddys. Britt has also toured overseas with Blues Legend, Little Milton. Britt is also famous for supplying some famous guitar licks on Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll.”
Russell Gulley continues to perform and record. He,also is involved with the arts community as a folklorist and community arts administrator. He serves on the board of the Alabama Folklife Association, is active in arts in education programming, and has served his hometown of Fort Payne, as one of the organizers of an annual
festival, The Boom Days Heritage Celebration.
Ronnie Vance, still resides in Florence, where he is a successful businessman and entrepreneur.
Keep it Real. Keep it Southern.
Source material supplied by Russell Gulley.
Photos Courtesy of Tommy Wright
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Russell Gulley says...
Hey,Guys, Appreciate Buff for thinking of Jackson Highway. Yes we do think often of doing a few dates together and a Cd of Jackson Highway material is in the works, just don't have a time line as to when it will actually "escape".We'd like to include afew NEW TRACKS. Meanwhile keep your eyes open for Jezebell's Chill'in. They are really a good group. We booked them here in Fort Payne for Boom Days last fall and between them and Travis Wammack, the place rocked. Take it easy Buff and Britt. Russell
michaelbuffalo says...
Here is a nice update from Britt... "Hi, Michael.......Russell sent me the link to your article about JH. Nice to see something in "cyber-print" about the band again. I left the Beat Daddys in November of '07 and have been playing here on the Gulf Coast since then. Working with Donna Slater and Cathy Pace, calling it "Jezebel's Chill'n" They've been fixtures at the Flora Bama since they were pretty young, but I've managed to pull them out to see the rest of the Coast here lately. Nothing recorded yet, but won't be too long, I hope. Donna's a good writer and they're both incredible singers. Cathy grew up singing gospel in Chicago and Donna has a voice more like Memphis Minnie, Bessie Smith. Great combination.Glad Russell sent me this as I didn't realize you were on line with Gritz. Will keep checking it out. Take care! Britt Meacham"
rebyll says...
I have a copy of "The Beat Daddys - Five Moons". Has any of Jackson Highway's stuff been released on CD?
copperhead says...
I remember this band. They were very good.
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