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The Swampland Tribute to Billy Powell of Lynyrd Skynyrd

Posted: Jan 29, 2009

The response to my simple request was overwhelming. I asked a few "brothers and sisters" of the road to share their thoughts on the passing of Billy Powell. The outpouring of love was huge, and genuine. I spoke to so many on the phone and via e-mail over the bast 36 hours, it has been like a blur. Many told me personal stories that they asked be kept unpublished, some funny, some sad, all from the heart and all positive.

I have assembled the stories that we can share into a memorial page for Billy. I sincerely appreciate all who participated, and if you feel the urge to join in, by all means, add to the comments section at the end of the article. As long as there's a GRITZ, the page will remain as a tribute to a true pioneer of Southern Rock. A man who went from roadie to superstar piano player. A true legend. Billy Powell.

Keep it Real. Keep it Southern.


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palmettopirate says...

Just like the song say's "there goes another victim of southern rock". There will never be another Billy Powell, and for my money another Lynyrd Skynyrd. Our loss is Heaven's gain. There's one hell'ova southern rock jam session going on up there! RIP brother.

Miranda Ward says...

Not only will he be greatly missed for his music but also it is very obvious he will just be missed. How good that there are all the memories along with the musical legacy he leaves. He made his mark and made it well. Truly a life worthy of celebration. My thoughts are with his family and all his many friends. Miranda Ward (U.K.)

michaelbuffalo says...

Great stories guys! And thank you for your comments. Means the world/

dangerman says...

He normally was the George Harrison of the band, the quiet guy who stayed in the background despite his amazing talent and the crucial role his piano played in Skynyrd music. But there was one exception at a Cal Expo California gig in the summer of 1988. The band was on its tribute tour honoring Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines and the torment of the 1977 trategy. During one song, some jerkface kept throwing punches at other concerts goers near the stage. Johnny Van Zant had failed to stop the guy at one point. During the next song, the guy started throwing punches again. At the end of the song, Billy Powell emerged from the piano with a rolled up wet towel, approached the front of the stage, threw the towel at the guy the way Don Drysdale used to throw a pitch a somebody's head, grabbed the mike from Johnny Van Zant and barked over the mike "hey cool your ass off, man!" That got the stupid jerk to back off. Billy Powell. Great guy, great talent, great family person, great dedication to Lynyrd Skynyrd, but could be pushed only so far.

rebyll says...

On any Skynyrd song, when a piano solo starts, I can't help but say "Billy Powell on the piano..." Some years ago I was on the left coast for the first time. As fate would have it we wound up in Bakersfield around dark. We stopped at a motel and I devised a plan. The next morning after packing up and ready to leave, I got behind the wheel, put on my shades, hit the CD button with "Honky Tonk Night Time Man" already cued up, looked over at MsRebyll, grinned and said "Been waitin' all my life to do this...." and hit the play button. "Little bit for Bakersfield!!!" Requiescat in pace brother Billy. You will be missed.

jcalemine says...

Outstanding work Buff...only you could have pulled off such a tribute. Peace & Soul, JC

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