I just recieved word that our friend Bill Ector, publisher of Hittin' The Note Magazine, passed away this afternoon. He was a great talent and a great man. A very sad day. Our own James Calemine was a good friend of Bill's. Read his blog here.
Bill jamming with Lefty Collins.
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More and more buy designer handbagsand the so-called fashionistas are addicted in buying the cheap designer bags for they are simultaneously fashionable, Cheap Handbags and cheap wholesale handbags. With the rapid development of designer bags, there are an increasing number of the inferior quality designer handbags at discount prices available in it. And people who follow the fashion trend blindly prone to be fooled by the resemblance between them and they may suffer losses in the deal. So before you make the order on them, there are some advises you should bear in mind to make sure to buy the quality designer handbags on sale.To avoid getting involved into the embarrassment of being recognized wearing the unoriginal designer handbags purses, you can never be too casual during the designer handbags. Though the prime quality designer replica handbags and the inferiors both look the same to the discount authentic designer handbags, we can still find that they differ from each other if we pay more patience in the examination. A high quality replica is not only fashionable in appearance but also practical in daily use, while a fake is just a fright and ineffective in function. There are many flaws in the inferiors and the handcrafts of them are extremely rough. The good one feels as soft and comfortable as the authentic discount designer bags. Thus, you need to polish your eyes and have an intensive discrimination. Moreover, we should also take the occasion into consideration that the high quality imitation are all offer the warranties similar to those of the actual handbags on sale. And there will not provide by the fake manufacturers.There is always a big diminishing price gap between the high quality real designer handbags and replica handbags. But it doesn't mean that the most expensive one is the best. It is the best to buy one which is prone to match the daily wardrobe. The good quality wholesale designer handbags that shows your personality and perfects your exterior will be the best one. The best thing about wholesale handbags and purses is the amount of versatility to the line-with a LV purse in every design, material, color, and a wholesale handbags for every occasion. Vuitton is by far the best known purse brand of our time, and one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Whether you're interested in a Anya Hindmarch handbags in brown and beige, a rainbow of beautiful colors with a white Murakami, or a classic, smooth and solid Suhali leather Armani handbags, LV is the brand with every Balenciaga handbags imaginable. It is with great pleasure that we stock all of the highlights of the Louis Vuitton collection, with our array of fine, Bally handbags.Pick the brand which inspired popular culture to daring new heights, appears in all of the latest fashion magazines, is sung about in hip-hop, pop and rap songs, and is worn on the backs of the most famous celebrities. Whether you want that all Bottega Veneta handbags, a darling little Sobe clutch, or a daring Stephen Sprouse for Burberry handbags you're sure to find anything and everything you're looking for here.As you strut down the street, swinging your Cartier handbags, only you will be able to tell that it's actually a replica. When someone asks you "is it real," simply shrug your shoulders and say "what do you think?" Raise a flirtatious eyebrow, smile an evasive smile and continue on your way, oblivious to the unimportant question. With Celine handbags like ours that pay such fine attention to detail, there's no way to give away your secret. With cheap quality replicas, it's automatically apparent that they are bad copies. Our Chanel handbags are always flawless, down to the last stitch. So buy your Chloe handbags with pride, knowing that you'll never be found out. Don't worry-we'll never tell either.
replicabags says...
More and more buy designer handbagsand the so-called fashionistas are addicted in buying the cheap designer bags for they are simultaneously fashionable, Cheap Handbags and cheap wholesale handbags. With the rapid development of designer bags, there are an increasing number of the inferior quality designer handbags at discount prices available in it. And people who follow the fashion trend blindly prone to be fooled by the resemblance between them and they may suffer losses in the deal. So before you make the order on them, there are some advises you should bear in mind to make sure to buy the quality designer handbags on sale.To avoid getting involved into the embarrassment of being recognized wearing the unoriginal designer handbags purses, you can never be too casual during the designer handbags. Though the prime quality designer replica handbags and the inferiors both look the same to the discount authentic designer handbags, we can still find that they differ from each other if we pay more patience in the examination. A high quality replica is not only fashionable in appearance but also practical in daily use, while a fake is just a fright and ineffective in function. There are many flaws in the inferiors and the handcrafts of them are extremely rough. The good one feels as soft and comfortable as the authentic discount designer bags. Thus, you need to polish your eyes and have an intensive discrimination. Moreover, we should also take the occasion into consideration that the high quality imitation are all offer the warranties similar to those of the actual handbags on sale. And there will not provide by the fake manufacturers.There is always a big diminishing price gap between the high quality real designer handbags and replica handbags. But it doesn't mean that the most expensive one is the best. It is the best to buy one which is prone to match the daily wardrobe. The good quality wholesale designer handbags that shows your personality and perfects your exterior will be the best one. The best thing about wholesale handbags and purses is the amount of versatility to the line-with a LV purse in every design, material, color, and a wholesale handbags for every occasion. Vuitton is by far the best known purse brand of our time, and one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Whether you're interested in a Anya Hindmarch handbags in brown and beige, a rainbow of beautiful colors with a white Murakami, or a classic, smooth and solid Suhali leather Armani handbags, LV is the brand with every Balenciaga handbags imaginable. It is with great pleasure that we stock all of the highlights of the Louis Vuitton collection, with our array of fine, Bally handbags.Pick the brand which inspired popular culture to daring new heights, appears in all of the latest fashion magazines, is sung about in hip-hop, pop and rap songs, and is worn on the backs of the most famous celebrities. Whether you want that all Bottega Veneta handbags, a darling little Sobe clutch, or a daring Stephen Sprouse for Burberry handbags you're sure to find anything and everything you're looking for here.As you strut down the street, swinging your Cartier handbags, only you will be able to tell that it's actually a replica. When someone asks you "is it real," simply shrug your shoulders and say "what do you think?" Raise a flirtatious eyebrow, smile an evasive smile and continue on your way, oblivious to the unimportant question. With Celine handbags like ours that pay such fine attention to detail, there's no way to give away your secret. With cheap quality replicas, it's automatically apparent that they are bad copies. Our Chanel handbags are always flawless, down to the last stitch. So buy your Chloe handbags with pride, knowing that you'll never be found out. Don't worry-we'll never tell either.
replicabags says...
More and more buy designer handbagsand the so-called fashionistas are addicted in buying the cheap designer bags for they are simultaneously fashionable, Cheap Handbags and cheap wholesale handbags. With the rapid development of designer bags, there are an increasing number of the inferior quality designer handbags at discount prices available in it. And people who follow the fashion trend blindly prone to be fooled by the resemblance between them and they may suffer losses in the deal. So before you make the order on them, there are some advises you should bear in mind to make sure to buy the quality designer handbags on sale.To avoid getting involved into the embarrassment of being recognized wearing the unoriginal designer handbags purses, you can never be too casual during the designer handbags. Though the prime quality designer replica handbags and the inferiors both look the same to the discount authentic designer handbags, we can still find that they differ from each other if we pay more patience in the examination. A high quality replica is not only fashionable in appearance but also practical in daily use, while a fake is just a fright and ineffective in function. There are many flaws in the inferiors and the handcrafts of them are extremely rough. The good one feels as soft and comfortable as the authentic discount designer bags. Thus, you need to polish your eyes and have an intensive discrimination. Moreover, we should also take the occasion into consideration that the high quality imitation are all offer the warranties similar to those of the actual handbags on sale. And there will not provide by the fake manufacturers.There is always a big diminishing price gap between the high quality real designer handbags and replica handbags. But it doesn't mean that the most expensive one is the best. It is the best to buy one which is prone to match the daily wardrobe. The good quality wholesale designer handbags that shows your personality and perfects your exterior will be the best one. The best thing about wholesale handbags and purses is the amount of versatility to the line-with a LV purse in every design, material, color, and a wholesale handbags for every occasion. Vuitton is by far the best known purse brand of our time, and one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Whether you're interested in a Anya Hindmarch handbags in brown and beige, a rainbow of beautiful colors with a white Murakami, or a classic, smooth and solid Suhali leather Armani handbags, LV is the brand with every Balenciaga handbags imaginable. It is with great pleasure that we stock all of the highlights of the Louis Vuitton collection, with our array of fine, Bally handbags.Pick the brand which inspired popular culture to daring new heights, appears in all of the latest fashion magazines, is sung about in hip-hop, pop and rap songs, and is worn on the backs of the most famous celebrities. Whether you want that all Bottega Veneta handbags, a darling little Sobe clutch, or a daring Stephen Sprouse for Burberry handbags you're sure to find anything and everything you're looking for here.As you strut down the street, swinging your Cartier handbags, only you will be able to tell that it's actually a replica. When someone asks you "is it real," simply shrug your shoulders and say "what do you think?" Raise a flirtatious eyebrow, smile an evasive smile and continue on your way, oblivious to the unimportant question. With Celine handbags like ours that pay such fine attention to detail, there's no way to give away your secret. With cheap quality replicas, it's automatically apparent that they are bad copies. Our Chanel handbags are always flawless, down to the last stitch. So buy your Chloe handbags with pride, knowing that you'll never be found out. Don't worry-we'll never tell either.
Most cheap replica watches are known as luxury items because of their high prices. But if you are not earning a major salary from a very high-paying job, it is an impractical thing to buy the watches replica. If you want replica watches but you do not have enough money, you can opt for affordable substitutes. Audemars blancpain gmt can still be mistaken for the real thing. You can still make your most elegant wardrobe look even more dashing with clerc watches. franck muller watch bands as a brand of oris bc3 watch has worked toward developing some of the most inspiring Jaeger LeCoultre Reverso Joaillerie meant for use of both men as well as women. The products of cartier watches for women are technologically advanced and these invicta square russian diver are not just meant for time-keeping, but can be used for informational purposes also. The movado gentry that are launched by the company are known for its looks and purpose. These mont blanc watches for sale capture, maintain and exhibit assortment of data that include images, longitude, latitude and temperature of a place. The high demand for gevril gv2 with subdials has clearly left a deep impact on the business world. The Esq watches of Audemars Piguet have a number of options to choose from. It makes it possible for people to keep a track of time and never lag behind. The girard perregaux vintage 1945 watches series is famous as the gucci watches in uk. This series of guess watches uk suits the males of all age groups. Here, one can find sporty as well as Mont Blanc watches with adult looks. There are also very classic Royal Oak Chronograph 's meant for younger boys. The guess watches malaysia bring true customer satisfaction with options to maintain world time of at least 40 cities, daily alarm system, data-bank pages and water resistant capability. One of the most popular of men's louis vuitton tambour lv277 of Audemars Piguet is the Royal Oak Offshore T3 series. This series has gained considerable attention during the last 25 years. The Audemars Piguet Men's White breitling a13353 is the most impressive among them. It has recorded good sales. The gadget has a stainless steel case, a black dial, auto calendar, gives world time and an hourly time signal. It is true that movado se sports edition have very satisfying traits. However, because the brand is known for its inventive technology it is on a unaffordable price. How can people get one without costing an arm or a leg? elini replacement watch bands ,there are unlimited choices to make for the jaeger lecoultre master compressor and people can find any type of panerai submersible 1973 original that fits into their lifestyle. Information about the latest rolex milgauss price is available on the Internet. People just need to open websites and go to elini south beach that have updated information about the band.
Most cheap replica watches are known as luxury items because of their high prices. But if you are not earning a major salary from a very high-paying job, it is an impractical thing to buy the watches replica. If you want replica watches but you do not have enough money, you can opt for affordable substitutes. Audemars blancpain gmt can still be mistaken for the real thing. You can still make your most elegant wardrobe look even more dashing with clerc watches. franck muller watch bands as a brand of oris bc3 watch has worked toward developing some of the most inspiring Jaeger LeCoultre Reverso Joaillerie meant for use of both men as well as women. The products of cartier watches for women are technologically advanced and these invicta square russian diver are not just meant for time-keeping, but can be used for informational purposes also. The movado gentry that are launched by the company are known for its looks and purpose. These mont blanc watches for sale capture, maintain and exhibit assortment of data that include images, longitude, latitude and temperature of a place. The high demand for gevril gv2 with subdials has clearly left a deep impact on the business world. The Esq watches of Audemars Piguet have a number of options to choose from. It makes it possible for people to keep a track of time and never lag behind. The girard perregaux vintage 1945 watches series is famous as the gucci watches in uk. This series of guess watches uk suits the males of all age groups. Here, one can find sporty as well as Mont Blanc watches with adult looks. There are also very classic Royal Oak Chronograph 's meant for younger boys. The guess watches malaysia bring true customer satisfaction with options to maintain world time of at least 40 cities, daily alarm system, data-bank pages and water resistant capability. One of the most popular of men's louis vuitton tambour lv277 of Audemars Piguet is the Royal Oak Offshore T3 series. This series has gained considerable attention during the last 25 years. The Audemars Piguet Men's White breitling a13353 is the most impressive among them. It has recorded good sales. The gadget has a stainless steel case, a black dial, auto calendar, gives world time and an hourly time signal. It is true that movado se sports edition have very satisfying traits. However, because the brand is known for its inventive technology it is on a unaffordable price. How can people get one without costing an arm or a leg? elini replacement watch bands ,there are unlimited choices to make for the jaeger lecoultre master compressor and people can find any type of panerai submersible 1973 original that fits into their lifestyle. Information about the latest rolex milgauss price is available on the Internet. People just need to open websites and go to elini south beach that have updated information about the band.
In this cheap replica watches review, we explain why some replica watches are better than others and what makes them that way. We also touch on why you might want to buy watches replica versus the real thing. If you are in the market for triumph watches stainless steel, be it breguet vs blancpain, but simply cannot afford the price of an original, you maybe considering buying ferrari watches chronograph. Reading this baume mercier watches review will help. What to look for: When looking to buy patek philippe gondolo you should look for a direct manufacturer. Usually a good direct iwc big ingenieur manufacturer will make sure to use the finest quality parts and workmanship, as to not tarnish their reputation, enabling them to provide an unmatched quality and a real look and feel. Reasons to buy montblanc watch straps: One of the main reasons to replica hermes watches is to save money, but there are other reasons as well. oris tt1 divers chronograph can cost thousands of dollars. High quality replicas, on the other hand, cost just a small fraction of that. But as a consumer you need to be very careful, because while lower quality longines conquest titanium may cost less, they will not last and simply do not look like the real thing. Another reason may simply be to avoid damage or loss. Many people who own the omega seamaster, may just want a replica of that very same immersion stream watches to wear as a stand-in on non occasions or for daily use. This way they avoid the risk of damaging or losing the original and will always have the original in pristine condition for those important occasions. The difference between high quality iwc small da vinci moonphase and the low quality stuff: High quality replicas of breguet marine are made with the same or similar parts as the originals and have all the proper markings of the original. These are the only kind of iwc limited edition watches you should be buying, to assist you in your comparison shopping checkout breguet skeleton,they are a wonderful resource and show the actual pictures of the patek philippe aquanaut 5065 they sell right on their website. Low quality jaeger lecoultre reverso squadra of course use low quality parts. The makers of those elini jumbo watch do not bother to match up the markings on their omega de ville to the real thing. The end result is louis vuitton tambour lovely cup that not only looks fake, but most likely will not last long.
tuckerhead says...
He was a good writer and a good musician, but an even better himan being. Godspeed Bill. We'll see you at the BIG mt. jam.
copperhead says...
Wow. What a shock . I love HTN and have been reading it from day one. To his family my prayers. Another freebird flying high
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